The Ocean

Finding Some Peace On Earth.

Serenity in our world ? A place where there is an absolute change of your mindset ? Turn the dial to calm. Don't make excuses not to do this for yourself and for those who mean the most to you. Time keeps ticking off and when you leave it all behind for 24 hours it will all still be waiting for you the next day. Switch gears and physically go someplace else. Realistically - only good from comes from your decision.

You can:

If you head to the beach - the ocean beach - any of the above will rejuvenate your mind, your heart and your soul. My favorite repose !!


People Flock to the Pacific and Atlantic Shores

Some people love to go to the beach. By the beach I am specifically referring to the ocean.

People Like to Be Among the Trees

It seems that the counter balance to this - which is of course a generalization - is that some people like to go to the mountains. as well!

Escape the noise and electromagnetism of the 21st Century.

Do you consider what you cannot see ? Millenia ago, people believed in what they could not see. They felt the influence of nature, possibly spirits, God, bad juju or good juju. But in our world today - we are affected by 'waves'. Not those wonderful ?? waves that many of use meditate upon at the ocean - but electromagnetic waves from all of our devices, sound waves etc. etc. Click here for a scientific explanation., we were able to completely redesign the site. If you are interested in web design at all you should probably check them out as well!