Path Begin Rock

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Cape Cod Rail Trail

“The Secret has been out.
A little piece of heaven.”

The 35km (25 mile) 'Cape Cod Rail Trail' is a wonderfully maintained paved route. No traffic. No noise. Inspiring. Cyclists of all ages ride at whatever pace they choose with great respect for one another. 'On your left' is the cycling etiquette phrase when you want to pass another rider or group of riders.$ free

Cycling Etiquette - Mostly For Safety.

'On your left' is the cycling etiquette phrase when you want to pass another rider or group of riders.
This past weekend, a rider in front of me got a bit baffled. They thought they needed to 'get out of the way quickly' and turned their bike to get off the path but they turned LEFT. Mistake !! First of all, respect is a priority and there was really no need for the to feel pressured. But if you do need to get off the path - bear to your right. Remember, you cycle and pass on the left. I had enough time to slow down but I easily could have crashed right into that person since they basically turned the bike right in front of me rather than to the safe side by the grass. $ free